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Trewes IIIA (1962) 

trewes 1
2003 zeilen 02
2003 zeilen 06
2004 dagje  2 zeilen 005
2014 binnen

Trewes IIIA (1962) - Sold

An elegant blue water sailing yacht, with recent engine and rigging, teak deck (in good condition). What you first notice in this ship is its classic appearance, the hull has a nice shape with a beautiful bow and round aft with a long, stately overhang. The ketch rig with two new wooden masts adds to the overall image. Definitely an eye catching boat. In the mahogany cockpit the carpentry is immediately noticeable. Everything is robust and well made with refined details such as the fine metalwork on the sliding hatch and the heavy wooden structure witch supports the winches.


The cabin is of good size, galley at the entrance to starboard, chart table and starboard berth, more can be seated to the rear on a comfortable sofa with a table that seats at least 6 people. Further forward the toilet and then the forward cabin with double berths. The interior shows solidity and durability. There are no leakages to be seen l, everything is in almost the same condition as at the time of construction, the upper deck does needs varnishing though. The boat has always been in indoor winter storage and if outside probably been covered. The previous owner was going to take the boat on a long voyage, and he has made the necessary adjustments for this purpose, but was unable to complete his work. To this end, the ballast has been removed and replaced by lead cast into pitch. The masts are new as wells as the engine. The ship is also well equipped, has an extensive range of sails, including a comfortable self-tacking jib, making the boat  easy to sail alone. There are a total of 10 sails including spinnaker. The masts can be lowered.



Length:    10.50 m
Width:    2.95 m
Draught:    1.50 m

Designer: S.M. van der Meer

Shipyard: Jongert

Hull shape: S-shaped

Hull colour: White

Deck construction: mahogany

Cockpit: Aft cockpit

Vertical clearance: 14.5 m

Draught: 195 cm

Waterline length: 870 cm

Displacement: 10 tonnes

Ballast:3.5 tonnes

Steering system: Helm

Rudder: Single

Keel/Lee board: Fixed keel



Headroom:190 cm


Berths:fixed: 4 extra: 1

Type interior:Classic, warm




Water tank & material:100 litre

Water system:Manual


Cooker & fuel:2 burner(s) Gas


Engine, electrics

Type: Inboard

Brand: Solé

Model:mini 17

Year: 2006

Number of cylinders: 2

Power: 16 hp

Engine hours: 79

Fuel: Diesel

Transmission: Shaft

Propulsion: Propellor

Cooling system: Indirect

Total fuel tank(s) capacity: 100 Litre

Fuel tank gauge


Oil pressure gauge

Temperature gauge


Voltage: 12V


Navigation and electronics


Depth gauge

Navigation lights



Rig and sails

Sailplan type:Ketch

Number of masts: 2

Spars material:Wood

Standing rig:Steel wire

Sails material:Dacron

Main sail




Storm jib



Manual winches



Deck Equipment

Anchors: 1

Anchor connection: Chain

Anchor windlass: Manual

Sea rails

Swimming ladder

Teak deck: in good condition

Fenders, lines



Life buoy

Bilge pump: Electric

Fire extinguisher

Gas bottle locker with drain

Self-draining cockpit


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