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Ar Seiz Avel (The Seven Winds)

looking forward 3
looking aft at sea 2
looking forward 2
at anchor
at anchor 2
moored Bermuda
moored Azores
on the hard
ASA map 2
int main salon
dining table
int salon
chart table
looking forward wing to wing
looking forward

Custom design - Ar Seiz Avel (1974) - €69.000,-

Extraordinary classic world sailor, built in wood and polyester. The ship underwent a full refit in 2014-15, with the interior and exterior in particular. This expedition ship has many nautical miles behind it, including a world voyage, and has always brought the crew and prospective sailors safely to their destination. The spacious, open interior breathes conviviality and living pleasure, the barge deck guarantees maximum interior space. A trip around the world requires a lot of storage space and this ship has it. Furthermore, the equipment with a wind vane steering system is suitable for the large crossings that this ship has actually made. An ideal ship to visit all corners of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. 



Could molded wood construction

2 layers of waterproof glued adhesive wooden strips are attached diagonally over the frame of the hull shape, then finished with a layer of polyester. The hull is approximately 2.5 to 3 cm thick including the polyester layer. The inside of the hull is sprayed with foam insulation, which makes it very well insulated and sound-absorbing. The hull is fitted with the West epoxy system.



The ship was built on the Canadian west coast at a top shipyard specializing in wooden ships and is owned by a Canadian Dutchman, who will of course be able to help you on your way. The ship is currently in Willemstad, Curacao and includes a lot of spare parts and is ready for a new world voyage. Just bring your toolbox and sailing gear!




Length: 12 m
Width: 3 m
Draught: 200 cm

Designer: Michel Gaudin
Shipyard: Jesperson Marine
Construction number: 1
Hull shape: S-frame
Hull colour: Blue
Deck and superstructure colour: White
Deck and construction material: Polyester sandwich
Cockpit: Rear cockpit
Normal headroom: 20 m
Draught: 200 cm
Water displacement: 15 tons
Controls: Helmet stick
Location control: Outside
Rudder: Single
Keel/Leeboard: Fixed keel

Headroom: 190 cm
Cabins: 1
Sleeping places: 6
length of cages 180cm
Interior type: Classic, warm
Upholstery colour: Beige
Water tank & material: 120 gallons
Holding tank & equipment: Rariscan wastewater treatment
Water system: Pressure system + hand
Seawater pump
Toilets: 1 Manual
Cooker & fuel: 3 burner(s) Gas

Engine and electricity
Brand: Yanmar
Model: JHE 44
Year built: 1986
Power output: 44 hp
Hour counter
Running hours: 59,000
Fuel: Diesel
Transmission: Propeller shaft
Propulsion: Screw
Cooling: Indirect
Fuel tank number: 1
Total fuel tank(s) capacity: 220 litres
Fuel tank material: Aluminium
Fuel tank gauge
Revolution counter
Oil pressure gauge
Temperature gauge
Battery: 6 x 60 Ah
Battery charger
Solar panels
Voltage: 12V 110V

Navigation and electronics
Compass: Ritchie 2x
Log/speed: Raymarine (2011)
Depth gauge: Raymarine (2011)
Windvane steering
Navigation lights: LED
Maps, guides
Autopilot: Raymarine st4000 (2005)
Card plotter: Standard Horizon (2011)
AIS: Westmarine
Shortwave transmitter


Type of rigging: Cutter
Number of masts: 1
Reinforcement: Steel wire
Number of sails: 6
Sailing material: Dacron
Headsail roller system 
Manual winches: 3
Selftailing: 1

Anchors & material: 1 x Rocna 33kg
Anchor attachment: Chain
Anchor winch: Electric
Cockpit tent tent
Pushpit and pulpit
Swimming ladder
dinghy plus 3 kayaks
Fenders, lines

Life raft
Bilge pump: Manual Electric
Self-draining cockpit


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