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Trintella 42+

21 At anchor Kilada Bay
18 View on sunpanels
20 Cradle Kilada Yard 2016-2017
02 from 42' to 44' 2003
19 B&G and Philips instruments
12 seating saloon 2014
16 The bar
10 gally 2006
05 Navigation corner 2003
Navigatie hoek (2)
13 PS after cabin 2 pers.
14 Toilet1 with shower
15 Toilet2 front
17 The Gennaker
03 floor plan Trintella 44'
11 Teak deck 2014 Basimakopouloi
09 Gori 3blades folding prop
08 Yanmar 4JH4 CE 2005
01 Onyx from 2 sides

Trintella 42+ (1981) - Sale pending

Very comfortable long-distance sailing yacht. Perfect combination of sailing characteristics and long comfortable stay on board. Suitable for long sea voyages. The present owner has been sailing the Mediterranean for a few months each year, after which the ship was put ashore until the next voyage.


Deck layout: Spacious aft cockpit with steering wheel. Good walkable deck, stowaway mast and genoa and stagfok on the roll. Electric genoa winches and mainsail hydraulically operated, so good for two people. The ship is equipped with a bow thruster.


Inside are three sleeping cabins. The spacious owner's cabin is in the front with its own toilet. In the back there are two double cabins. In the main cabin, there is a very spacious galley with two cool boxes, double sinks and a 3-burner gas cooker with oven. Furthermore, a second toilet with shower, chart table with all equipment and a spacious U-shaped bench seat. Interior is well maintained with little wear. The ship comes with all inventory, including many spare parts and tools.


Recent Renovations:

- Teak deck, bonded, with the balsa wood of the sandwich construction largely replaced by plywood. (2014)

- Engine (2005), engine hours 2021:1050

- Saildrive SD40 (2005)

- Bow thruster

- Extended aft with swimming platform

- Reckman main mast and boom with new rigging in 1998, with stowaway mainsail, hydraulically operated.  

- Corian worktop in the galley

- Complete electrical wiring

- Etc.



Length (m) 12.90 > 13.50m Extended version with bathing platform

Waterline length (m) 10,60 m

Width (m) 4,00 m

Draught (m) fully loaded 2,20 m

Keel type fin keel

Rudder with hanging rudder

Air draft (m) incl. antenna 21,00 m

Headroom (m) inside 1,95 m

Year built 1981

Building number 1105

Built by Jachtwerf Anne Wever BV

Country The Netherlands

Designer E.G. van de Stadt 

Displacement (t) 9 Ton, loaded 11

Ballast (t) lead 4 Ton

Sail number NED 6592 ORC Club (2005)    

Hull material polyester

Hull shape round bilge

Hull painted white Awlgrip (1998)

Hull extra info anti osmosis epoxy treatment (2002)

Bumper teak with stainless steel strip

Deck material polyester

Deck finishing teak, 2014 renewed

Finishing polyester superstructure anti-slip profile

Cockpit finish teak

Antifouling (year) 2021 blue self-sharpening (2x5 ltr. stock red)

Deck hatches 3 x

Portholes 8 x aluminium with plastic window

Fuel tank (litres diesel) polyester 300L

Fuel gauge                                           

Drinking water tank (litres) polyester 600L

Capacity meter                                           

Holding tank Not present, there is ample space to install one, chemical toilet on board

Steering wheel/column Whitlock with Plastimo compass        

Autopilot/column B&G Hydra plus mainsail control

Lighting largely LED.



Interior Sieger Design teak (ask for v/d Stadt plan C 1981)

Cabins 3

Owners cabin 1,90 x 1,40/0,80 m bed

Wardrobe with seat                         

Washroom Manual Raritan toilet

Aft cabins 2x 2 persons, one now in use as storage.

Floor Teak holly with anti slip floor covering


Outdoor shower                                          

Hot water boiler                      

Open cockpit                                         

Sitting area Upholstery renewed 2015

Heating Dieselkachel, hot air, Webasto

Drinks cabinet (SB for navigation area) With Royal Copenhagen crystal glasses

Navigation/ Map table With adjustable seat

Galley With complete inventory

Countertop Corian

Refrigerator Isotherm, condenser in outlet, so no water or air cooling

Freezer Small

Stainless steel sink 2x

Gas cooker/oven, 3-burner Edelstahl

Gas detector                                            

Gas valve 12V at gas cylinder                          

Gas locker at the back of the cockpit with drain           

Water pressure system Electric and 2 foot pumps

Additional information Many closets, drawers and storage spaces



Compass Plastimo on steering column

Electric compass For autopilot in SB aft cabin closet

Rudder indicator B&G on steering column

Radar Furuno 821 LCD

GPS 2 Philips AP Navigator in cockpit and navigation corner


Electronic charts HP laptop with C-Map charts worldwide with GPS connection

Handheld GPS                                             

Navigation lights                             

Depth/wind gauge/log B&G depth sensor removable in the water

VHF radio in navigation panel Sailor A1 VHF-DSC RT 4801/C4901

VHF handheld Navicom RT-212

Transmitter Kenwood TS-50S with SGC antenna tuner and modem

Radio/CD Sony

Speakers 2 in Main cabin, 2 in owners cabin


Engine and electronics

Brand Yanmar

Type 4JH4 CE

Power 39,6 kW/ 54 hp

Fuel Diesel

Installed 2004/2005

Speed (kn) 7 to 8

Consumption (ltr/hour) 2 to 3

Engine hours 1094 (Oct '21)

Propulsion Yanmar SD40 saildrive (+ spare gearbox)

Saildrive double seal 2015 (with alarm)

Exhaust system water cooled with alarm

Propeller type Gori 3-blade folding propeller 18'(+ reserve)

Manual bilge pump                                         

Electric bilge pump                               

Electrical installation 12V & 220V

Service/light batteries 4x6V gel 2 in series/parallel 440 Ah (2021)

Starter battery 12V 100Ah (2021)

Battery monitor                                        

Battery voltmeters                                      

Battery charger Pallas 12/50

Shore power cable available

Solar panels 10A charging current

Inverter 12/220V 300 W



Type: sloop

Mast/boom Reckmann

Material aluminium stowaway

Fenders 2 x2

Spi-boom aluminium on mast rail

Jib holder yes

Standing rigging stainless steel 12/10 mm (1998)

Cutterstay rod 10 mm (2004)

Cutter with Harken furling reefing system 16 m2 (2004)

Backstays Removable

Insulated backstay/antenna With Navtec tensioner

Mainsail 38 m2 (2015)

Genoa 55 m2 (2015)

Genoa roller reefing system Reckmann

Genoa cover                              

Genoa sheet winches 2x Lewmar 55, electric, self-tailing with 2 speeds

Mast halyard winches 2x Lewmar 35, self-tailing with 2 speeds

Multipurpose winches cockpit 2x Lewmar 35, self-tailing with 2 speeds

Gennaker 119 m2 to be hoisted in trunk.

Spinnaker 1 125 m2 in proboscis

Spinnaker 2 140 m2 in proboscis                             



Vetus bow thruster with spare parts

Dinghy Zodiac 3,10 m with UV cover

Outboard engine Yamaha 4-stroke 2,5hp (2003)

Folding Bikes 2 Di-Blasi with spare parts

Diving equipment complete with several sizes diving (emergency) bottles

Emergency tiller                                        


Windshield Aluminium with glass window/wiper and plastic side windows

Sprayhood with grab bar                         

Cockpit tent                                                   


Sun canopy large                                       

Sun canopy small 2 pcs

Cockpit table                                                

Stainless steel bathing ladder

Anchor for stainless steel 22 kg ploughshare (+ spare)

Anchor chain 50 m with markings every 10 m

Anchor winch Lewmar, electric

Anchor aft with line, Aluminium

Stainless steel railing with white cover

push- pulpit chair                                        

Life raft 5 persons BFA in container on deck (2004)

Lifebuoy 2 rear in stainless steel brackets


Safety lines on deck                         

Radar reflector In top of mast

Fenders 11 pcs

Fenderstep 2 pcs

Mooring ropes/lines                                    

Clock/barometer In saloon and owners cabin

Signal flags 

Sea charts Very much, ask for full inventory

Pilots Ron Heikell from Portugal to Greece

Lifting installation Self-lifting block in mast

Personal safety lines                          

Extra info: bolts and nuts in many sizes

Extra info: All tools and spare parts stay on board incl. torque wrench

Extra info A lot of info can be found on under conservation and technique


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